What We Do

What We Do


Sustaining Positive Change

We believe in sustainability, sustaining positive change for children, young people and their families. We support families to develop their resilience, confidence and skills to: break the barriers of isolation; create and develop relationships within their community; harness self-belief; recognise and grow skills, nourish talents; seek out opportunities; and take control of their own lives whilst mitigating the effects of poverty. 

We support people to identify, build and sustain the networks, friendships and skills needed to sustain positive changes in their lives. Very often, we have found that we must start at the very beginning, and take things step, by step, by step.

Children & Young People

Our approach is committed to early intervention and prevention. Our understanding and commitment to the principles of “Getting It Right for Every Child” (GIRFEC) is resolute.

Getting It Right for Every Child underpins every aspect of our approach, we believe working alongside families at the very start of their journey prevents escalation of hardship, every engagement is a catalyst for positive change; and every activity we undertake is an investment in overcoming disadvantage, poverty, isolation and despair. We are (for want of a better term) a “vehicle” for children and families to become active, confident, healthy and positive contributors to their own education and their community.

Families in the Community

We support families to lay the foundations they need to take control over their own lives and engage on their terms with the wider community.

Our Family Support, Family Play, Money Advice and Family Wellbeing Services provide the resources that many parents and children tell us they need to become healthier, happier and more confident so that they can participate and take an active role in their community.

Our high quality and flexible childcare in our centres and in the family home, provides children with a safe, fun and stimulating environment; and provides families with the support they need to pursue opportunities for respite, furthering education, training and employment.

Once the foundations for living and managing life day to day are there, many of the families we work alongside discover that they possess the resources, resilience and confidence they need to overcome exclusion, isolation and sustain positive change in their lives.