

News & Updates

BIG (virtual) Teddy Bears Picnic

In your home or in the garden


All the families we are currently supporting in Glasgow and Ayrshire are invited to join our big Teddy Bears picnic. 

During lockdown there hasn’t been much to look forward to so we thought we would brighten things up for the parents and children by having an event at home that everyone could join in with on the same day at the same time. So our food boxes will be a little heavier that week to ensure that everyone has some special picnic food and activities with some teensie-weensie surprises provided.  

Hamish our mascot bear will be coming out of hibernation in Girvan to join in the fun.

It will be a great day and we don’t have to worry about the weather this time. 

So just 11 days to go and counting down to the big event. 

I expect all our workers and Board members will be joining in with their own remote picnics. 

Everyone taking part can send in photos, drawings, paintings for our ‘After the picnic’ gallery exhibition.