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Employee Journey - Shona McKellar

I started working for Stepping Stones for Families in February 2001.  I remember seeing the post of Childcare Co-ordinator advertised for the organisation’s Girvan Family Connections Project and thinking that this looked like the kind of role I would love to do. 

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I worked as Childcare Co-ordinator from February 2001 to February 2006.  I had so many opportunities to grow in this role through regular supervision and staff development reviews.

“Continuous professional development is key for Stepping Stones for Families and I took up many training opportunities to support me in my role.” 

I was very well supported and given the opportunity to shape the new childcare service using my own creativity and ideas alongside those of the rest of the childcare team.  Working in this role gave me a real insight into the values, aims and objectives of Stepping Stones for Families and the passion of the organisation to look at innovative ways to achieve these.  That passion is what drove me to want to work more intensively with vulnerable families within the Girvan community.  When an opportunity arose in February of 2006, I took on the role of Family Support Worker.

“Stepping Stones for Families allowed me to be innovative in my work and really took on board views that could improve ways of working. Not only do they listen to the needs of families and young people, they listen to their staff.”

Following some time away from the organisation to study for my BA Sociology and work elsewhere, I saw a role for Family Support Worker in Stepping Stones for Families’ Carrick Money Advice Service advertised and I have been back with Stepping Stones for Families now, since March 2017. 

I feel that Stepping Stones for Families is an organisation that works very hard alongside children, young people and families so that they can enjoy and sustain positive change in their lives.

“My Work Family” says Shona.

“My Work Family” says Shona.

All our work is done in a person-centred way and this inspires me in my role as a Family Support Worker.  Once again, I am encouraged to pursue training in areas where I feel I would benefit from further development.

“I have also had two children during my time working with Stepping Stones for Families and I have realised just how supportive an organisation Stepping Stones for Families is.” 

I am so glad I am back with Stepping Stones for Families.  It feels like I am home and I enjoy every challenge and new opportunity that the working week brings.

Shona McKellar, CMAS Family Support Worker

Carrick Money Advice Service
