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Ardoch Childcare Takes Hamish To Old School!

Pre-schoolers at our Ardoch Childcare Centre celebrated moving into the summer holidays by inviting Hamish (our teddy bear mascot) on an adventure to Scotland Street School Museum in Glasgow.

Hamish in old school uniform

Hamish in old school uniform

The museum was top choice for the children as they voted for where they would like to go on their trip. “Everything is School! School! School! The children are very excited about moving up to primary school!” commented a member of SSfF’s Ardoch Childcare Team.

Singing songs on the way to the museum, and playing in the playground the children waited for the school doors to open, and they imagined what school might be like for Hamish….

“He (Hamish) will like doing his homework. He will wear a uniform too” said one child.

“He will like playing outside!” commented another child.

As the school doors opened, the children began to explore and learn about “old school” with Hamish in tow. In the old cloakrooms the children did not fancy putting on the old uniforms and aprons, so……. they dressed up Hamish in the old school apron instead.

As the children reflected on their day with Hamish at the museum, they said:

“Sitting Hamish next to me was my favourite.”

“I like him, me and Hamish were playing with hula hoops!”

We fully supported the children’s choice of where they wanted to go on their trip, even though (truth be told) we were a wee bit concerned that the infamous Horrible Heidie at Scotland Street School Museum would be far too scary for our pre-schoolers! We needn’t have worried!

The children and their pal Hamish enjoyed an exciting trip and interesting day!  All the children are still looking forward to starting primary school in the autumn!

Stepping Stones for Families #SustainingPositiveChange